Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Week 9 -- I Can Smell It

For the past two months, I have been focused on the logistical and identity transformation of SalesTouches.com into davemail, which has included refining my message for the small arsenal of marketing and informational tools to help me spread the word. Now, as those tools are completed, it marks the close of the easy part of the process.

The Web site, while not ready to launch yesterday as hoped, is in beta (testing), and should be up and fully functional some time next week. The brochures are in and look awesome. They are unique, simple and attention-grabbing – a solid driver for future site traffic. Also done are new davemail email newsletter and e-stationary templates – ready to roll out with pertinent info as soon as the site is up.

So now the focus shifts to marketing (both traditional and online), sales, media relations (both traditional and social) and telling the story of davemail. What does it do? How is it different? Why should anyone care? That is a story I certainly enjoy telling. And I guess that will end up being my sales strategy. Share. Listen. Serve. That should work out OK.

Thanks so much for all the feedback about my needed Web site photo – how to represent the dave in davemail. I received a number of emails with some really great ideas, and I appreciate both the effort and the thought involved. We are shooting this Saturday, so you will be able to judge for yourself how we did.

We are getting close…

Dow: 8076 (another week creeping forward)
Unemployment Rate: 8.5% (March)
Big News: Ford loses $1.4 billion in first quarter, which is good news, because it was less than expected. RIP GM's Pontiac.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Week 8 – Picture Perfect?

With the target date for the launch of the davemail Web site just a week away, most of the pieces are falling into place nicely, with one notable exception. We have yet to decide on a suitable image to depict exactly who “dave” is. Dave needs a face. Too bad it has to be mine.

Because dave is a real person and not a marketing ploy, the question is not whether or not to show me but rather HOW to show me. We are trying to avoid the typical corporate, button-down look of a standard head shot, while still looking confident, capable and trustworthy. Anything too cool would not feel authentic to anyone who knows me, so where does that leave us?

If I may be so bold, I would love your ideas on a setting, location or prop to help make the photo project an image of creativity and cleverness (related to email) without being silly. Something that says, “I would enjoy working with that guy. I trust him. I like him. I want to be his facebook friend.”

Why so much attention to a Web site photo? The answer is simple. If this were for a normal bio page photo, it honestly wouldn’t matter as much, but the fact that I am using my name is directly related to my business concept. Instead of an online sign-up form and access to do-it-yourself software, I am selling a personalized, low-tech approach that emphasizes human interaction and building professional relationships.

Those relationships require connection to a real person – a real dave. Luckily, I happen to know one. So if you have any photo ideas, I would love to hear them. Just email me HERE with your suggestions.

Regarding launch progress, the business cards are in limited circulation (I only have 992 left), the brochure is at the printer and the Web site continues its secret coding and content-management building process. Soon, my blog reminders will be replaced with a more comprehensive weekly email newsletter (imagine that) that also will provide industry news and useful tips for working with davemail.

Everything is still looking up. Thanks for following.

Dow: 8125 (another week in the right direction)
Unemployment Rate: 8.5% (March)
Big News: Capt. Richard Phillips was saved when Navy snipers killed three Somali pirates with three simultaneous nighttime gunshots. The captain had earlier traded himself for the safety of his crew.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Week 7 – Still a Good Story

A few days ago, I had the opportunity to sit with my father-in-law for about an hour and explain the entire davemail concept and why I would be attempting to branch out in such a time as this. The younger kids were in bed, the older ones were busy and the women were running an errand. It was a perfect time to lay out the story to a willing, and sort of captive, audience.

It actually was a great exercise because I had to start from scratch. I explained the industry, the unserved niche, the financial realities and the incredible opportunity. He asked good questions and I think was confident that I was not endangering the well-being of his daughter and grandchildren. He really got it and was genuinely excited for me and the potential the business holds.

The best part was that even at around 11:30 p.m. after a long day, I was so excited after sharing my story that I couldn’t go to sleep. My mind was racing with all the tasks still to be accomplished before the relaunch, and I couldn’t wait to get to them.

And that is where I stand today. The business cards are at the printer (sample above), the brochure concept is awesome and the Web site is in back-end development. I also am working with an experienced public relations professional for some help with media relations and story pitching. (Even PR guys can use help with PR – an outside perspective and very specific media skills will prove invaluable to me.)

For the first time, I am tossing out a launch date, although as marketing expert Seth Godin says, the days of the dramatic, media-grabbing, behavior-changing launch are mostly over. But a target date is helping me see a finish line for development and a starting point for sharing my new and incredibly exciting (to me, anyway,) materials.

While a lot can happen between now and then, I am shooting for two weeks from today – April 27. In the meantime, I have messages to refine, media lists to cull and newsletter-related blogs to write. Can’t think of anything I’d rather be doing.

Dow: 8083 (up-and-down week ended slightly ahead)
Unemployment Rate: 8.5% (March)
Big News: President Obama says our economy is showing "glimmers of hope" despite continued economic difficulties.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Week 6 – 'This is What I Do' is No Longer Enough

Fewer businesses with which I have a connection closed their doors this week, so I guess that is a victory of sorts. As I was writing last week’s journal, I learned the restaurant that hosted my Chamber Leads Group for years had closed, and we would no longer have a place to meet. Prime Meridian Bank has generously offered its lobby for a couple weeks, but we still need a permanent home. Finding weekly meeting space for 50 people in northeast Tallahassee is no easy task.

But what is easy these days? Everyone is more cautious. Margins are tighter and businesses are desperately looking for ways to cut costs. Even if there is the slightest hope that the recession has bottomed out, it will be a long, tough recovery.

But that does not mean there is not opportunity. Even as we are putting the marketing materials together for the launch of davemail, I am evaluating potential new products and vetting ideas with potential customers about their viability.

How can I merge what I do with what businesses need right now? How can I meet those needs in a profitable way?

Moving from a mindset of “this is what I do” and then try to convince people to jump on board to “how can I meet a need with the skill set I have developed,” is a good first step. What I do doesn’t really matter anymore. How I use it to meet needs that are constantly evolving is much more relevant – and, I hope, profitable.

It was an exciting week behind the scenes at camp davemail. The Web site is really coming together as the home page design was finalized and the first interior pages were finished as well. This week, the focus is final approval on all Web design so the coding process can begin. The marketing brochure and logistical conversion issues also are on the front burners.

I also created a new twitter account for the business (in addition to my personal tweetings). Follow davemail at www.twitter.com/mydavemail.

It is getting more exciting every day.

Dow: 8017 (another week up)
Unemployment Rate: 8.5% (highest rate since 1983)
Big News: Since the recession began, the economy has lost 5.1 million jobs. In lighter news, Pres. Obama gives Queen Elizabeth an iPod full of showtunes.