Monday, March 30, 2009

Week 5 – Feeling Like a Salmon

The news around me this week has been a little less than encouraging. In my office building, the largest tenant just laid off two employees and cut another position to half time. The Realtor in the corner moved back to a home office to cut expenses and is working part time for another tenant providing office help. And I am investing thousands to expand my business. Am I missing something here?

I really don’t think so. The reason is that like the stock market or the overall economy, the indices we use to measure performance are made up of lots of smaller pieces – and some of those pieces are hanging in there – even thriving.

I just happen to be in an industry segment that can do well in a struggling economy because, as I have mentioned before, email newsletters are an inexpensive alternative to more traditional marketing tools. As proof of others in the industry looking to seize this opportunity, pay attention to how many banner ads you see for iContact and Constant Contact on the Web sites you visit. These very successful do-it-yourself sites are everywhere, extolling the virtues of using email marketing to boost your business.

So while many are cutting back, it does indeed make sense for me to push as hard as I can to broaden my base and increase my market share.

There, I think I convinced myself. I feel better now.

Also helping is my excitement over the design for the new davemail Web site. I love the new look and look forward to its vastly superior functionality. While I am sharing many elements of the rebranding before the official launch, I think I will keep this piece under wraps until the big day.

Business cards are done and my new toll-free number is in place. This week, I am focusing on more pieces of the site, a new brochure, some PR planning and some logistical issues for moving to a new server. All while keeping current clients happy.

It is amazing that tasks I may have once viewed as a pain, I now see as a privilege. I guess that is what a little perspective will do.

Dow: 7776 (another modest gain for the week – baby steps?)
Unemployment Rate: 8.1% (9.4% in Florida, the highest since 1976)
Big News: Obama administration forces out GM CEO Rick Wagoner, places strict requirements on future assistance for GM and Chrysler.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dave, I had a sneak peek at your logo and think it's going to work well for you. "Cashing in on brand equity" is just the right way to put it...there's no doubt about who's in the driver's seat. Best Wishes.
